King's Dead

Never had friends, never had ends, never had hope.

Current SL: None


Name: Niles, Zero
Age: 2269
Birthday: April 22nd
Height: 5'1"


There are three species of manakete in Fateslandia- Hoshidan Manaketes with wind breath, Nohrian Manaketes with fire breath, and Vallite Manaketes (also known as Silent Dragons) with no breath. Niles is one of the last Nohrian manaketes, as far as he's aware.Hoshidan Manaketes tend to be longer bodied, with hair like substance along their heads and backs. They have no wings, and fly with their control over the winds. Nohrian Manaketes are more practically built and spiny, with lithe yet muscular bodies. The have large wings, with flaps that will extend down their backs to the start of their tails.Nohrian Manaketes were very heavily focused on strength and self-sufficiency, with a usual treatment of leaving children to grow and fend for themselves. While effective in letting the few strong survive and reproduce, it helped to slowly cause the endangerment of the species. This was how Niles got abandoned in this verse- as soon as he could use his brain, he was left out on his own. He assumes his parents are dead. Beruka later claims to have found his mother's grave.His hatred and distrust of nobles and the rich is even more so than in canon. Due to semi-immortality, he grows and watches with hope and disappointment as people never change, remaining greedy and corrupt.He loses his eye while in dragon form, trying to escape captivity. Wounds gained in true form do not shrink to fit a manakete's human body, and instead remain the same size. Due to this, he has a large scar on the right side of his face, which extends past his eyepatch. He's very self concious of it, and when he begins service under Leo, the prince covers the wound with illusiory magic.He discovered he was an insomniac at a young age. Instead of taking nightly rests like most would, he sleeps in several short naps throughout the week. Nightmares also plague him when he falls asleep for too long, and he's convinced that that's contributed to its severity.To put it simply, Niles does not think highly of himself. He's depressed, and though he wishes he could die sometimes, he doesn't think he's deserving of that release. He does believe that he's deserving of the suffering he's experienced- as well as anyone who's lived a perfect life. Niles has trust issues, and while he may find some actual amusement in innuendos and flirting, it firstly exists as a defense mechanism to push people away from him, both those he hates and those he could actually like. To him, you can't be abandoned again if you never grow close to anyone in the first place.Sometimes he hates what he is. He learns of the Nohrian Manakete survival tradition relatively close to the events of Fates. If he wasn't a manakete, perhaps he could have had parents who actually loved and raised him.He was born without a name, and his captors called him Zero. Once he escaped, he gave himself the name Niles.


JihanSummoner, Boyfriend
CorrinFellow Dragon



Niles is multiship! I will ship based on chemistry, as Niles is a character where that decides how he feels about people. However, I have a soft spot for M!Corrin/Niles and Azura/Niles (obviously not in the same verse, because Corrin and Azura are cousins), as well as Felicia/Niles. If any of those characters are your muse, you may get a free shipping pass with some planning.I do not want any drama, as I am here to have fun. Please do not try and ask me to convert from multi to singleship. I'm looking to enjoy myself, not to be micromanaged. If we are shipping and it really bothers you that much, we can stop for the comfort of both of us. I'm sure there are plenty of singleship Nilesi out there.All shipping will be in separate verses. Niles would never cheat on his lover, and my portrayal of him is no exception. He'll love whoever his partner is with all his heart, and would never think of leaving them. Thinking they're too good for him because he hates himself? Absolutely. But he would never cheat.However, if there is a main 'canon' ship for Niles, it's with Azura. All other shipping I will consider 'off canon' for now. I will absolutely not ship with Fates 2nd Gen Characters (children), F!Corrin (personal discomfort), Leo (white savior narrative and personal disomfort), Elise, or Sakura (children). If you pressure me with these ships, I will not hesitate to block you.


It's Ani!
He/They/She prounons please!
Dark Themes Warning: Depressive and slight suicidal thoughts, possible (non extreme) gore, some nsfw jokes, and mentions of past abuse.
I am a minor, so absolutely no lewd allowed. I will block you.
I am a mixed Asian lesbian. Homophobia, racism, transphobia, pedophilia, incest, or anything of the like will also result in a block. There are no strikes.